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Wednesday 29 February 2012

Disable CD-ROM autoplay permanently in windows

Description : As you notice in Windows whenever you insert a disk into disk drive it opens up the "AutoPlay" dialog box, Sometimes its OK to have a dialog box being opened like this, but sometimes it disturbs, its harassing: So! many of the people want to disable that "AutoPlay" dialog box permanently to avoid embarrassment:
To Disable that dialog box: here is the procedure
Procedure :

01: Open up "Registry Editor" ( To open it click Start | Click Run | Enter Commandregedit.exe | Hit Enter )
02: Select "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\CdRom"
03: Double click on "Autorun"
04: Change the value from "1" to "0"

That's it you are done, Now whenever you insert a new disk into your Disk Drive, the autorun dialog box will not open...

Preview :"AutoRun " dialog box screenshots, Click to enlarge...



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