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Sunday, 24 June 2012

How to secure your online accounts from hackers by HiT-H3x0r

The Basics of Your online Account Security. . . First of all, you need to set up a strong password , and by strong I mean using not only letters and numbers butalso symbols like these “*, /,#, ^, &, -. +” and make it quite long, I’d go for a minimum of 30 characters. After that, save your password somewhere in your computer in a .txt file , but don’t name it “password” or something relevant. If you’re afraid that your own computer could get hacked, then print your password and keep that small sheet in your wallet. Also, if you are not sure what "anti-virus" or "spyware software" to use, download the Google Pack and choose from there. It’s not wise to have multiple anti-virus software installed, so pick one and you’re set up. If you are still unsure, you can choose one of these free antivirus software . (':*)www.theitnoobs.blogspot.com. . . Remember, when you created your account, you were asked a security question and you have also picked a secondary, recoveryemail address. Make sure that the secondary email address is also secured and has a solid password. It could be an email that you use to speak with your friends and family or createdonly as back-up. Just make sure to have its logins also printed on that important piece of paper



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